Better remote notifications with irssi

by Patrick Connelly posted on June 28, 2013

This has been deprecated in for the new script and configuration.


As I wrote about a long time ago I use to use a custom script with irssi to push to mumbles. Well, mumbles has gone defunct and I couldn’t really find a good growl client for linux. Plus with me traveling into the office weekly, it’s just not going to work well since growl is more push notification. So this lead me to research a true messaging system to try it.


Beanstalkd is a simple fast workqueue. Using this, we can push messages (in JSON formatting) to the queue and have the client pull from the queue whenever they want. The nice thing about designing it this way is it can be reused to push other desktop notifications from other systems.

You can find the full repo with updated documentation on github


  • Install beanstalkd on a system that both your irssi client (producer) and the system you want notifications on (consumer)


  • Install the JSON perl module as well as the Queue::Beanstalk module
  • Download the file into your ~/.irssi/scripts/ directory


  • Install pyyaml and beanstalkc. These can be installed via python-pip
  • Download the file onto your consumer system



  • Install the script by running _/script load beanstalkNotify _in irssi
  • Set your server /set beanstalk_server
  • Set your port /set beanstalk_port 12345


  • Modify the file to point to your beanstalkd server
  • Run the consumer script

Future Features

In the future I plan on adding the ability to add an audible notification for these as well. Maybe I’ll add the ability to pick a specific queue instead of the default, but I doubt it.