Rosetta Code: A call for help

by Patrick Connelly posted on March 27, 2016

If you’ve ever started to learn your second programming language, you know how important it is to have example of the new language to help you understand the syntax. In my opinion, once you’ve learned the concepts behind programming (loops, control statements, etc) it’s pretty much just learning the syntax to get started. That’s where the folks over at Rosetta Code come in, to make it easier to learn new languages.

Rosetta Code

Ok, brief history lesson time for those who may not know. In 196 BC the Egyptians created a stone that has the same text displayed in Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs, Demotic script and Greek script. Discovered in 1799 (and now residing in the British Museum), the Rosetta Stone aided in modern day historians being able to decipher the hieroglyphs of Egypt¹.

This is a similar hope for the Rosetta Code group. By providing both simple code examples (for loops, conditionals, etc) and complicated operations a user who knows a language can apply their knowledge to a different language based on the examples provided.

Apex on Rosetta Code

This is where we need your help! This site was brought to my attention really recently, and Apex was not a language that had any representation. So, my challenge to anyone reading this post is to create an account, add Apex as one of your languages, and add some examples. You can see a list of all the current examples here and all the examples that are needed here. If you are someone that knows the history of the Apex language (and how it runs under the hood), please help by expanding the base Apex page with more information (Take a look at the Java page for inspiration).

¹This is a really really TL;DR so if it’s not quite right, don’t shoot me.