
Git push to multiple remotes

by Patrick Connelly posted on May 02, 2016

With today’s PaSS offerings, you may find yourself in a position like I was. Let’s take the scenario of hosting an application on Openshift, but also wanting to store that code on Github. Historically, anytime you wanted to do a git push to both Openshift and Github, you’d have to submit two push commands. Now, you could write your own git alias to do that for you, but I recently discovered a better way to do this. (This also works if you are using Heroku)

Adding git status to the bash prompt

by Patrick Connelly posted on October 24, 2013

After talking to a friend of mine Jeff Larkin about bash prompts, I decided to modify what he did into a single line bash prompt. By adding the following to your .bashrc you’ll get the branch your on in git (if current directory is tracked), a color denoting the status of the branch as well as the return code of the last command (if non-zero)

Using meld with git diff

by Patrick Connelly posted on May 03, 2011

This is test