
Mocking JSforce with Jest

by Patrick Connelly posted on March 30, 2021

Testing is one of the most important things you can do your code. However, when using a library that requires access to a remote system unit testing can become problematic. You don’t want to have to have a real connection and pull down real data since this is slow and requires anyone contributing to your project to set up the remote system as well. This is where mocking comes in with Jest.

Mocking allows you to detach a module from making a remote call and allows you to define the data that it returns. This means that you can modify the data how you need to provide a small data set or a large data set or even error out on demand.

In this post, we’re going to look at how to set up mocking for JSforce to test logging in and mocking out making queries.

Displaying Salesforce Test Status in screen using JSforce

by Patrick Connelly posted on September 29, 2014

This post will probably only be useful to one other person out there, but it was a fun exercise and thought I’d at least share my output.

One of the biggest challenges I have when running tests is that I will often forget they are running and leave them completed for a while before I go back and remember I ran them. This mainly happens when I’m running an entire class worth of tests and have 5-10 minutes to kill. When first learned about JSforce and it’s cli capability I was in love! So I set out to make it so that the current testing status is displayed inside of my screen session. At the end of it all this is what I came up with:

Screen status