
Snapshotting objects in Salesforce with apex

by Patrick Connelly posted on May 20, 2014

A common issue that we have is a need to see information about Cases when it is created. We do this to do some analysis about how a case changes (primarily to verify how good our automated tools are working). To achieve this, we made a generic snapshot object that will store a JSON version of our data. We chose JSON for it’s portability and it’s ability to dump into other systems.

The Object

To start out we’ll need a place to put this data, so we created the object with the following fields. Download object.

  • JSON_Data_{0-9}__cRequired – These are several LongTextAreas that stores json data
  • Object_Name__cRequired – This is the name of the object that was snapshotted
  • NameRequired – An auto number, just used for identification
  • Case__cOptional – This is used for our case specific snapshot to link a snapshot back to a specific case